Arborist Reports

Tree diagnosis for arborist report

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What Is An Arborist Report?

An arborist report is a written document, prepared by a qualified arborist, which provides specific details about trees on a property. These details can include species, diameter, height, condition, location, areas of concern, diseases and abiotic disorders. It is also common for this report to include recommendations on managing these trees, such as pruning, removal, disease treatment and/or monitoring. The objective and scope of preparing the report will help determine which details are relevant.

Is An Arborist Report Required?

White fungus tree root

At Higher Place tree care we are able to grind stumps of all sizes.

We Are Fully Certified, Qualified, And Insured

Arborist Chris in a tall tree

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Which Details Need to Be Included?

We Can Assist With Your Arborist Report

Closeup Chris in a very tall tree
Arborist report icon

Are There Any Problem Trees On Your Property That Need To Be Addressed?